Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Elementary public schools need a complete instructor overhaul

I came across this website video:

This video talks about a little girls parents putting a tape recorder in their daughters backpack and recording their daughters day because she was having horrible issues at school; she's 4 and has been suspended 4 times. Turns out, the teacher is yelling at the kids and calling them all stupid. Now as some of you know, I homeschool my son. He attended Cubberley Elementary in San Diego, CA. He was 8 years old and every day at school was a different problem. I couldn't understand why my 8 year old was having so many problems. Then my son was calling himself stupid and we were fighting every day. My 8 year old was going to need depression medicine and I couldn't understand this at all. Then at a birthday party a parent walked up to me and said, "Oh, you're (my son's name) mom, I have got something to tell you." It turns out that every day the lunch lady would scream and holler at my son. His teacher informed a parent: "Be careful with your son around (son's name), he's bad news."

I pulled him out immediately after that. The school called CPS on me and the truancy board. I told CPS, and the truancy board, the truth about the school hurting my son, and they had no more reasons to contact me. The truancy board even stated that she would call the school and tell them to leave me alone.

Parents: watch out for your kids. If their behavior changed dramatically and you don't know what happened to your loving, sweet child, then send a tape recorder to school in your childs backpack!! Catch them in the act - get the word out - While there are some good teachers left, most of them are tired, old, tenured, short fused, and cannot handle children anymore and need to be taken away from them.

What do you think?