Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hypnotherapy and weight loss

So with hypnotherapy (hypnosis) I lost 60 pounds. However, I haven’t been keeping up with the positive words and the CD I was given to listen to at night.

Because of that my pain started coming back and so did my weight. I have since spent the last 2 weeks listening to my CD again at night and wa-la! success is starting to show. It doesn’t show in weight loss right away but in little bits that I am doing on a day-to-day basis.

Example: 2 weeks ago, the candy that I had that totals 210 calories for 3 pieces would have all been eaten by me. Today I took one (70 calories) and passed the remainder out to my coworkers. Tonight upon coming home, my son had a reese’s p-butter cup. I turned it down, I had had enough for the day.

I also walked on my lunch break! Success is mine! Smile

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